Marriage License Information

Here is some basic information about obtaining your marriage license in California. You can obtain it from any county in the state and it can be used in any county in the state. It must be acquired no more than 60 days before, and no fewer than 3 days before, your wedding day. Some counties will allow you to apply for your marriage license by mail.
I am authorized to perform weddings in many states. For further details, the best source of information is always your County Clerk.

Changing Your Name and/or Obtaining Proof of Your Marriage

After the wedding, the County will not notify you of anything. It is necessary to go back to them and pay another fee to obtain a certified copy of your marriage license. You may want to wait a week or so after your wedding to make sure the document has been recorded, then contact the county where you purchased the license about getting a certified copy. That’s the one you’ll need to take around if you decide to change your name—Social Security Administration first, then the DMV, and then your bank(s), etc.